Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, Dr. Mary C. McDonald is a force to be reckoned with. Dr. McDonald attended St. Francis of Assisi Grade School and Ancilla Domini Academy in Philadelphia. She subsequently attended Immaculata University, Philadelphia, University of St. Thomas, MN, and the University of Memphis, for her undergraduate, masters, and doctoral degrees, respectively. For those of us that attended Catholic schools here in Memphis during her 14-year tenure as Superintendent, we remember her as the gracious, kind, and welcoming woman who visited our classrooms and gave us the ever-exciting “rainbow pen.” Her wisdom and grace made each student feel important, seen, and known.
However, before becoming the nationally-acclaimed author, radio host, and speaker we know today, Dr. McDonald served as the Principal of our very own St. Benedict at Auburndale from 1996-1998. During her tenure, SBA was known as “the school that never sleeps... too busy growing and having fun.” And grow SBA did. It was during her time as Principal that SBA built St. John Neuman Hall. The $1.7 million dollar facility, now housed on the St. Francis of Assisi campus, was home to 11 classrooms, a fine arts studio and guidance and administrative offices and allowed the elementary, middle, and high schools to all be kept in separate buildings. Her guidance over growth and expansion didn’t end there.
As Superintendent of Catholic Schools in West Tennessee, Dr. McDonald led the system to its greatest period of resurgence, innovation, and growth, including the creation of the Jubilee Schools Network, which reopened nine Catholic schools in high poverty neighborhoods across Memphis. Thanks to the Jubilee Schools, nearly 1,500 students were given a place to learn, to be fed two meals a day, and most of all, to be loved. Additionally, Dr. McDonald oversaw the establishment of Incarnation Catholic School, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School, and the new high school facility for St. Benedict at Auburndale where we now sit.
After 14 years as Superintendent, Dr. McDonald retired from that position in June 2012, in order to found MCD Partners Consulting and to serve the Memphis community with her experience and expertise on several non-profit Boards and community organizations. MCD Partners is a national consulting firm that provides a broad range of educational and business consulting services including, strategic planning, leadership mentoring, and executive search. During the past ten years, MCD Partners has had a presence in thirty-five states, assisting others to address the educational needs of inner-city children, ensuring a quality education that provides an educated workforce and future leaders
Dr. McDonald’s work is valued and appreciated as expressed through her many awards and recognitions. Among her numerous awards are NCCJ Humanitarian of the Year, Christian Brothers University Peace and Justice Award, The University of Notre Dame Exemplar Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Education, St. Peter Claver Dominican Humanitarian Award, The University of Memphis Alumni Hall of Fame, and 50 Women Who Make a Difference.
Dr. McDonal has been married to her loving husband, Joe, for 55 years. Together, they have two adult children, Matt, married to Kate, and Christine, (former SBA teacher), married to Scott Giles. They have 6 grandchildren; Nick Giles (SBA '16), Emma McDonald (SBA '16), Molly McDonald (SBA'18), Elise Giles (SBA '18), Jack McDonald, and Annie McDonald, and most importantly, their dog Coco.